Nomination Committee 2021

In accordance with a resolution taken at the Annual General Meeting of NCAB Group AB on 5 June 2020, NCAB announces the composition of the nomination committe, consisting of representatives of the largest shareholders by number of votes. Together with the Chairman of the Board, they should constitute the Nomination Committee in preparation of the Annual General Meeting 2021.
Today the nomination committee held its first meeting and Ulrik Grönvall, SwedbankRobur, was elected chairman. The other representatives are:

  • Per Hesselmark, R12 Kapital
  • Jannis Kitsakis, Fjärde AP-Fonden
  • Christoffer Geijer, SEB Investment Management
  • and Christian Salamon, Chairman of the NCAB Board

The Annual General Meeting of NCAB will be held in Stockholm on Monday, 10 May, 2021. Shareholders who wish to submit proposals regarding members of the NCAB Board, Board Chairman, Board fees, Chairman of the Annual General Meeting or Nomination Committee in preparation of the Annual General Meeting 2021, 10 May, at the latest two months before the Annual General Meeting 2020, contact the Chairman of the Board of NCAB on e-mail: or by regular mail at:
Att: Nomination Committee
Mariehällsvägen 37 A
168 65 Bromma, Sweden
For further information, please contact:
Gunilla Öhman, IR Manager, Telephone: +46 707 63 81 25